Nexus 6 Serial Number

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About: New Vengeance Samplepack – “Essential House Vol.4”

Nexus 6 Serial Number

Jan 3, 2013 - By looking at serial numbers in Nexus 4 YouTube unboxing videos, the. 'mine was manufactured 3 days after ordering (Dec 3 order Dec 6. I logged in the Nexus 6 with my google account. Then, i created. Please confirm your IMEI/MEID or serial number and try again. I tried to add. N7H00105 is the serial number for a Windows PC shared-server software, googled it. Trying to find other clues in the film as to where the jacket came from and the significance of the numbers. The only other Nexus with a known number is Rachel and her's actually makes sense (with the F meaning Female).

This is what you were waiting for: Volume 4 of the highly acclaimed Essential House series! Good things take time and, believe us, we spent a long time working on this gigantic collection of more than 3,000 Electro, Disco and Funky House sounds that are sure to add a touch of ‘70s disco-house magic to any song! Each sound is handpicked, and only the best of the best were included. Get ready for massive kicks, groovy basslines, modern house loops, funky synths and riffs, singing vocoders, FX, and the best collection of claps and snares you have ever heard. This one is going to revolutionize house music!

You can listen to a demo track for this new samplepack on Soundcloud.

This samplepack is available for purchase on the Vengeance ‘Samples’ page. Download HERE for free. ^^

Nexus2 Update – Version 2.6.3

Nexus2 version 2.6.3 has been released. This update contains various fixes and improvements, including various bug fixes.


We've developed an app that needs to identify every device uniquely. We first thought of using IMEI and we're obtaining it using the TelefonyManager's getDeviceId() method.

But one user reported that the app doesn't work and it seems we weren't able to get the IMEI. I read here that some Nexus 7 don't have an IMEI, that they use another way for serial number: CSSN. How can I obtain it? Or, even better, is there a preferable way to uniquely identify every android device?

PS: We do have one Nexus 7 here for testing and it works perfectly, that's why before I said some Nexus 7.

Daniel Hernández AlcojorDaniel Hernández Alcojor

2 Answers

Try the below code to get the device serial number :

You may go through the Android Documentation.


It's recommended to identify every installation instead of every device. There are indeed several ways of identifying device, for example, Mac address, IMEI, Serial Number, ANDROID_ID , however, due to different OS Versions, devices an vender implementations, none of these are truly reliable. Check this out.

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Nexus 6 Serial Number Lookup

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